Did You Know That You Can Receive Paul Emery’s QEPR Therapy Online?

You can receive online treatment by Britain’s Paul Emery, the creator of Quantum Emotional and Physical Therapy (QEPR) and the winner of the “World’s Best Spiritual Therapist” award, every day of the year. To take part in online treatments without being temporally or spatially bounded, simply contact Richmond Nua Wellness Spa.

Having provided therapy for many well-known names from Hollywood celebrities to members of the Royal Family, Paul Emery will help rid you of the negative factors affecting your life in just one hour. 

One-Hour Therapy Fee 127 EUR + VAT

*The therapy will be provided by Paul Emery in March 2021 at Richmond Nua and Richmond Istanbul. Stay tuned for the specific dates!

What is QEPR?

QEPR is a therapeutic method developed to eliminate the body’s reactions and negative feelings associated with particular thoughts. Therapy is an advanced form of psychology and is applied by tapping on certain strong acupuncture points. These points have been proven to be effective areas for cleansing emotions. The therapy typically lasts one or two sessions. These methods and techniques are very effective for self-empowerment and, once learned, can be applied any time in life to relieve stress.

Who is Paul Emery?

Born in England, Paul Emery studied psychology at the University of Wales where he learned the techniques of Fritz Perls and Dr. Carl Rogers. Emery went on to specialize in the NLP (Neuro-Linguistics Programming) technique and gained expertise in this area. After collaborating with Gary Craig, who discovered and advanced the EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) technique, Paul Emery directed his focus to TFT (Thought Field Therapy) with Dr. Roger Callahan, one of the founders of this technique. This technique primarily served to identify and neutralize blockages, emotional sensitization and toxins in the body’s anatomical lines.


Due to Wellness and Spa concept, we accept guests 14 years old and above. 


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